Sunday 9 November 2008

Experimental road closure on Rugby Days.

The experimental road closure of Summerwood road on rugby days during November proved a success yesterday. There was no chauffeur driven cars on the estate or coaches parked up. However although we were assured that parking wardens would not be on the estate, they were.
We urge any residents that received parking tickets not to pay these straight away, but to appeal on grounds that wardens should not have been there. We hope to get this hitch resolved by the next match on 15th November. Watch this blog for latest updates.

Friday 7 November 2008

Wednesdays Firework Display

A number of residents complained to me that they missed the Firework display because they did not know it was being held on Wednesday. No advertising around the estate by the Bridgelink meant that only those who use the Bridgelink was aware it was on.
Apart from that the evening was a success for those who were present.

Sunday 2 November 2008

Fireworks at the Bridgelink

The Bridgelink annual firework display will be held in the Bridgelink grounds on Wednesday 5th November from 7pm. The URA donated to the Bridgelink towards this event and donations from those attending the event will be welcome.

Saturday 1 November 2008

URA Newsletter

During the past week I have been busy preparing the latest issue of the URA Newsletter.
This is now with the printers and should be printed and delivered to most of the households by next weekend.
Please take the time to read your newsletter which includes useful contact numbers and details of surgeries held on your estate.
It also includes latest updates of what is happening on your estate.
We should like to know what you would like to read about in your newsletter, if you have any ideas please leave a comment here.